"Uncle Bob's Sore Throat Cure"
Anna Vogelzang
Chicago, Illinois USA
Email Anna
For treatment of swollen glands, tonsils, or a generally sore throat area.
#1 : Fill cup about 1/4 full of warm water. Tap is perfectly acceptable.
#2 : Drop two uncoated asprins into water.
#3 : Swish until the asprins have dissolved.
#4 : Here is where you might need a partner. Kick back the asprin-water (as if you were taking a shot of alcohol, for example), and gargle for 1 minute. This tastes kind of disgusting, so the tendency and temptation will be to spit out the medicine. DON'T GIVE IN. YOU CAN DO IT! Having someone there to cheer you on is helpful. Gargle well & make sure you try to hit the sore spots (tonsils, back of throat, right gland).
#5. Spit out the horrible water. Feel better.
Alternate Cure: If asprin cure doesn't work, rent a season of your favorite show on DVD and drink tea & honey while watching all of the episodes in a row & sitting under a blanket on a very comforotable couch or bed.