Learning To Love You More




Assignment #11
Photograph a scar and write about it.

Katie K.
Brooklyn, New York USA



This scar is approximately 18 years old. It's noticeable in real life but in the picture it just fades into my unscarred skin.
It must have been the summer because it was warm outside and still light out when my dad got home from work. The training wheels on my bike came off earlier in the week and I had taught myself how to use my pedal breaks instead of skidding my feet against the sidewalk to slow down. My dad taught me how to ride my bike, so I was really excited to show him that I knew how to use my breaks when he got home. It was going to be perfect. I had already practiced a bazillion times that afternoon so I was feeling pretty confident.
I made him stand in a particular spot on our stoop so he could see the whole ride. All the neighborhood kids were watching too. I had already practiced a bazillion times that afternoon so I was feeling pretty confident. I rode my bike all the way to the top of the hill at the end of our street. Then I was off, pedaling as fast as I could in hopes of making my tires screech when I slammed on the breaks. So I'm cruising along and right before I get to our stoop, WHAM, I slam the breaks and I went flying over my handlebars and slid about 5 feet across the sidewalk until I hit the grass and stopped. My right hand was caught underneath of me and the skin was just torn to shreds.
My friends called me Superman for the rest of the summer because they said I could really fly.
That's how I got my scar.