Silvana Felix
Toronto, Ontario CANADA
Goodbye winter
Goodbye to perpetual darkness outside
Goodbye to driving in snow, sleet, freezing rain, black ice or anything else remotely slick
Goodbye to scraping ice and cleaning snow off of my car
Goodbye to walking on slippery or unshoveled sidewalks
Goodbye dirty, ugly snow and slush (seriously, the only pretty snow is freshly fallen snow)
Goodbye to having to leave my warm bed to face the ugly cold every morning
Goodbye to layering clothes and puffy jackets (so NOT chic!)
Goodbye dry, itchy, chaffed skin
Goodbye chapped lips
Goodbye flu season
Goodbye to having to wear gloves all the time
Goodbye to having my toes trapped under thick socks and boots, and forgetting what my toes look like
Goodbye frozen ears, frozen toes, frozen nose, frozen fingers
Goodbye to having nothing to do since I'm not into winter sports
Goodbye to the long, gloomy faces of people, looking down at the ground or at their feet
Goodbye to having to walk quickly from my car to the store in blowing snow, all the while trying to avoid falling on my ass
Goodbye to cancelled or delayed flights due to snowstorms or blizzards
Goodbye to almost 6 months of unbearable, dreary, freezing temperatures
Goodbye windchill factors in the -30s Celsius
Goodbye winter
I won't miss you