Jacksonville, Florida USA
Goodbye tolerating mistreatment from anyone, family included.
Goodbye not communicating with family on a regular and consistent basis.
Goodbye hanging out with people I need to let go of just for the sake of being able to get out of the house.
Goodbye depending on other people to make things happen for myself.
Goodbye putting things off to be done later when they can be done now.
Goodbye to phone numbers of people I never communicate with or never have any intentions to call.
Goodbye caring about what insignificant people think and pretending that I don't.
Goodbye sleeping past 2pm.
Goodbye clothes I'll never wear again but keep in my closet for the sake of my closet being full.
Goodbye holding onto people who could care less if they let me go.
Goodbye wondering "what if." It didn't.
Goodbye music I skip over on a continual basis but keep because I think someday I may want to listen to it and that day never comes.