Francis Ortega
Montreal, Quebec CANADA
There are two ways that I wanted to do with my body when I die. The first one is kind of awkward for I wanted to mummified, but I want my right arm raised up high in the form of hi-5. Then put my body into a museum and let everyone who sees me, hi-5 me. This is just to remind people how I enjoyed living and there will be no admission required. This is just one of my fantasy but it is however applicable.
The second one is to be covered in a mat made from leaves of a tree and usually hand-made, which we call "banig" in my country. I want to be covered in it and then be thrown into the ocean and people who want to witness it could come, and a ceremony is not needed. It's a tradition in a province in my country. I want this to be done to my body because it is the most peaceful way to be one where I belong.