Yuri W.
Berkeley, California USA
1. I transitioned from the semi-innocent and carefree world of junior high into the self-conscious, angst-ridden, peer-pressure filled microcosm of high school. It took years afterwards to come into my own again and not feel things with such rawness.
2. Yuri Andropov died and I hoped that people would stop calling me Yuri Andropov based on the fact we shared the same first name, because it just wasn t funny and I didn t like being embarrassed for those who called me that.
3. It was a hot summer in Los Angeles, teeming with lost tourists that descended there for the summer Olympics, and it was the first time I conceived of a life for myself elsewhere when I grow up.
4. I finally realized that my secret crush was in truth kind of a jerk, a show-off and shallow. But I still remember his winning smile.
5. I became crazy about music, new wave in particular, ascribing all things great and even noble to it.