Portland, Oregon USA
Me: I just found out about this really cool internship this summer. I think I'm going to apply for it
Him: Why
Me: It will be good for me
Him: I thought we were going to live together this summer
Me: You could come here
Him: No
Me: Why
Him: I don't want to
Me: Well I'll come there then
Him: No
Me: Why
Him: You don't want to
Me: Of course I do
Him: You just said you wanted to live in Portland
Me: I just want to live with you
Him:You have so many opportunities, there is nothing for you here.
Me: You are there
Him: I'm gong to be busy
Me: Ok... well?
Him: I feel like you should be the one to compromise, I don't have any money.
Me: I'm trying
Him: I'm going to bed. I'm too drunk for this.
Me: Ok, I love you
Him: I love you too
Me: I'll call you tomorrow
Him: Ok. I love you.