Emma Sandoval
Albuquerque, New Mexico USA
I got this scar when I was about 13. Although it's a fairly small scar at the time it was probably the deepest cut I ever got. The worst part about it was I got it in the probably the lamest way imaginable. I was washing dishes one night and I was in mid wash of a glass cup. My hand was half way in the cup and when I went to twist my hand to wipe the grime off the bottom of the cup it broke. That's it, no flash, no pizzazz, just a simple old washing dishes incident. The cut was pretty deep but because it was on my knuckles I couldn't get stitches so I just had to stick it out. At the time it was the most blood I ever seen come out of my body and I completely freaked out and started having a panic attack. I was home alone and was so freaked out I had to call my big sister friend who lived in our neighborhood to come calm me down.